Standing ovation for Flickr.
First of all, I just set up a Flickr account, and I loooove it. I only have a few photos up yet, but so far I think the interface is fantastic - it's incredibly easy to use and edit. I greatly appreciate that when you view your own photos, you can change the title or description with one click - so much more natural and efficient than clicking on an edit button, making the changes, saving it, going back to your photos... it's more like editing a web page within the page itself (something I quite like about WebNote). Hey, and Flickr is by a Vancouver company, too.
Secondly: have interest rates risen on basic audience applause? It seems like it's impossible to go to any large-scale performance by anyone known to the public without at least one standing ovation required. Back when I was a little girl (*creak of rocking chair*), a standing ovation was reserved only for the most sublime performance the likes of which were rarely seen. Now it's become a general show of support, an acknowledgement of a person's fame, or a chance to stretch your legs; it doesn't mean anything any more. What are we supposed to do now when we really are impressed by someone? Throw clothing?
YES! All you women out there, please, PLEASE throw clothing when you come to one of my gigs!
Oh, you were joking...
I just loooove flickr!
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